- Category: Decennial
- Hits: 5945
How it's started
The event that Arten has magnificently prepared is the fulfillment of a solemn vote made in September 1855. In that year the "colera morbus" raged in the country. There was no house that had escaped the horrors of this scourge. The number of victims that every day were dying was huge.Our poor village despaired of being able to be free from the plague.Our people, lost all hope in human aid, lost among so many needs, devote himself to Maria intensifying its devotion for the Holy Icon.
Due to intercession of God and merits of the Glorious Virgin, the cholera stopped and with this, tribulations of many poor people. The gratitude of people culminated in an explosion of joy.
Every year, said, we will remember the Grace received and will thank Maria, honoring with a special event and every ten years we will renew the vote made, celebrating the date with the maximum solemnity.
Seven Decennial were sumptuously celebrated. Deserving of mention is the Decennial of 1905 honored by the presence of Eminence Cardinal Callegari, bishop of Padova and by the bishop of Feltre, Cardinal Cherubin.
The WWI prevented the outside procession of the Decennal of 1915.
The time of the eighth Decennal is close. The long spiritual and material preparation with the beautiful program flatter us to think that the fruits of this event, anxiously expected, will be abundant.
"From chronicle of 1935"